Hello and welcome!

On this episode you’ll get to hear from Erin Audiss, a good friend of mine who is rocking the mompreneur life. She is a sweet mama of two and runs two businesses with her husband Micah. We dove deep into the “why” and “how” behind Audiss Photo Co. and Audiss Authentic. Make sure to listen to the whole conversation for her tips and advice on all things mompreneurship.

Main Topics included in this Episode

  • Her journey into entrepreneurship and eventually mompreneurship
  • How she blends travel, mama and work life
  • Her tips, hacks, and advice for fellow mompreneurs

Connect with Erin Audiss

Connect with Alysha

Music Licensing Info

Music by Eli Lev - Dancin' on the Lawn


Episode Transcription

Speaker 1

Hello and welcome to the third episode of the Messy Mompreneur Podcast. I'm so happy to have you here. My name is Alysha Sanford, and I'm your show host. Today I am going to be having a conversation with a good friend of mine. Her name is Erin Audiss. She is the co-owner of Audiss Photo Co and Audiss Authentic in Roseburg, OR she and her husband run their business together. And I believe they have one employee as of now. They have two little kiddos at home and they. Are absolutely right. Working balancing business and work life. It's so inspiring to watch and knowing them personally, it's even more fun because I get to see some behind the scenes, including hearing more today that she will be sharing with you. And I'm very excited for you to get to hear a little bit more about their why. And a little bit about what is next for them. It's also fun to interview Aaron. She photographed my newborn and my family and I've been able to photograph her babies as they were newborns as well, and some of their family photos so. You are getting to hear from a great friend, a genuine person and. Without further ado, let's get into it. All right. Welcome, Aaron. I'm so excited that you're joining me for the first guest episode.

Speaker 2

I'm so happy to be here.

Speaker 1

As we start, I'd love it if you could tell us about you and your family.

Speaker 2

So I have two kiddos, Eden's a girl, she's two. And Addley is a boy, he's four, and I have a wonderful husband, Micah, and we just have a little family of four.

Speaker 1

I love it. What are your guys' favorite things to do together?

Speaker 2

We well, now that the sunshine is coming out, we love outdoor adventure. Micah is an avid fisherman and so we spend a lot of time on the riverbank or in his drift boat. We in 2020 we got a sprinter van and have taken that all across the Pacific Northwest doing road Trips and camping. And so we travel a lot together as a team and then also together as a family and just really enjoy spending time do it. Honestly, I am such a homebody, though, so a fun day for me with the kids is just hanging out in our backyard in the sunshine, running around. Even in the rain, I think yesterday it was pouring and they had their rain suits. On and they. Were just. Having a ball. In the mud. Anything together, my love language is quality time. So just spending time together, doing mundane things, exciting things, you name it. As long as we're together.

Speaker 1

What do you and Micah do for work? Let's get into that.

Speaker 2

OK. So we have two businesses, one is a wedding and portrait photography business and the other is a brand and content marketing business. And so I primarily do the photography. Although I have been. And dipping my toes into more video as of late, and he primarily does the videography. And so in both of our businesses, we are able to just provide both photo and video and we do it as a team, which has been so much fun. He also, so his background is in engineering and he has a. A he has a job part time as a post sales coordinator and that has been really fun for him. He's an extroverted extrovert, and so, you know, as you know, as an entrepreneur, sometimes the days can be lonely sitting behind your computer because you know, that's what most of us do. Where we're not out and about working with our clients. So as an extrovert, having some time outside of our office with coworkers and whatnot has been really beneficial for him.

Speaker 1

That's awesome. Let's see. Tell us about your journey into entrepreneurship. What led you towards this path?

Speaker 2

My path actually surprises most people, so I got my first camera as a graduation gift after high school. My dad jokes that it was one of the best investments he's ever made because my quote UN quote little photo biz is pretty much what put me through college. So as a senior in high school, I made the decision to go to college and pursue a job in the medical field I had worked in. High school as a caregiver at an assisted living and I just loved serving the people in that capacity, especially geriatrics. And so I started out as a. Dishwasher and worked in the kitchen as a cooked, then eventually as a caregiver and. That whole experience is what led me. To the field of dietetics and nutrition, and because choosing a field in the, or a, job in the medical field seems safer than something art related or photography related. I know, I know. I kind of laughed about this now because. In the back of my mind. I always knew I was going to pursue entrepreneurship. But truthfully, I just wanted a career that felt secure and safe. I'm sure a lot of people can relate to that and you. Know their prior. Entrepreneurial experience or I feel like a lot of us had, you know, full time jobs before we finally took the leap into entry. Your ship anyway, so I always loved art. Doodling, sewing, all things, creativity. I designed T-shirts for the clubs I was in in high school, which leads to. All kinds of creative opportunities in college, and I was always the 1:00 during group projects to make it look pretty. So that just kind of a nod to always wanting to be doing something creative, be involved in something creative. So after I jumped through all the hoops. To become a registered dietitian, it's actually a pretty strenuous path. It's five years of schooling with a pretty competitive internship. At the end I got a job at a local outpatient clinic as an RD. and I absolutely loved working one-on-one with patients, teaching cooking classes, doing diabetes education and just serving others in that capacity. Like I mentioned before. At the assisted living. So at this point I was running a business on nights and weekends and working 9:00 to 5:00, Monday through Friday. And as my business grew, I asked my boss to go down to four days a week so I could at least have some time to work on the business side of things on Fridays. And maybe, you know, take a break because we were doing. Weddings on Saturdays and. My editing game was strong. The moment I got home. From the moment I closed my eyes at night. And then I got pregnant and it just rocked my world. I was so sick. It was so like for the my first trimester I was like. I couldn't do anything. I remember going to work and sleeping under my desk and just like totally not able to look at my screen at night because I was nauseous. Anyway, long story. Getting pregnant, having my first baby totally changed everything. It changed me. It changed my like priorities and in my job and. Anyway, so and then I realized OK, if I'm working two full time jobs, well, becoming a mom is like more than that, so. It really put me through this experience of an identity crisis and then also like trying to weigh like, do I want? To be a dietitian and pursue this job. Or do I want to take my photography business and just go full force with that? And so it was. Really interesting path to kind of choosing this life full time. But choosing entrepreneurship allowed me to have that flexibility to be home with Addley and then also work and make my own schedule and be. You know. Mom 1st and then still fit in the photography and business responsibilities when I could. So that's kind of a long drawn out answer, but.

Speaker 1

Well, I love all the detail because technically I've known you for a while now and I've watched from a distance and so it's fun to get to know a little more behind the scenes instead of just, you know, watching on social media as your business evolved and whatnot and real quick, I found out a couple things that we have in common that I didn't. Know about already my dad's side of the family. They're all very into the medical field in various capacities, and they pushed that fairly. Intensely because they were like it's a very secure field, blah blah blah. Anyway, it just was never my cup of tea and I don't know if they ever struggled with the fact that I just wasn't into that or not. But it's just kind of funny. I never was. Wanting to pursue it. And then I also ended up working at. And assisted living for a while has. The front office manager, but then also activity director and then back to office manager because I burnt myself out trying to do activity, directing full time and entrepreneurship on it was it was a challenge and that was before kids. But I've got a soft spot for the geriatric community, so that was kind of cool to hear that. That's what led you to diet dietetics, you said. OK, I didn't want to butcher the word.

Speaker 2

I just would dietitian nutritionist. They added the nutritionist on the end, when people were like what? A bad decision.

Speaker 1

Got you. Well, so I know that you and Micah and your team frequently travel for work for both of your brands. How do you manage travel and work with young kids when they attend or when they stay home?

Speaker 2

Yeah. So. I'm just kind of going off of that. We OK, so we travel quite a bit and when we can bring the kids so like last year. And we traveled to Hawaii for. A wedding and we. Were able to bring our moms and then they helped watch the kids while we were working. And we often bring them if it's a short trip and we can bring our childcare with us. But it's funny when people say like. How do you do it all like you guys are so busy? Like what? Like, how do you? Do that. And I'm like, we don't we don't do. It all like I. We have so much help. We're so blessed to have both of our parents living. In the same town. And just willing to jump in whenever to help and travel when we'd like to bring the kids. And you know. They say, like, oh, it takes a village. And like yeah it. It really does. And honestly, we would not be able to have our two businesses and do what we do without the support. So my heart goes out to everyone who. You know is still trying to find that. Village that support to jump in and help with the kids when you know you want to pursue your dreams and pursue that side of you that isn't mom. You know that. I mean, obviously we're all mom all the time but. That wants to do that because it is totally a challenge and you know, we've had to say no to a lot of really awesome opportunities because. Because we couldn't. Bring the kids and or it would just be too long away from the kids. And like I'm sure our support could handle a few extra nights with our kids. But we didn't want to be away from that for that long. And so we've had to turn down some pretty neat opportunities. But it was an easy no. Knowing that you know our kids. Are a priority and. We wanted to. Be with them and those opportunities will come again someday. So yeah, totally a balancing act for sure.

Speaker 1

Yeah, I'm just thinking through my recent experience coming into motherhood and simultaneously. And trying to manage entrepreneurship and work at home and just the challenges, even just with lost sleep and fought naps or skipped naps when I have deadlines, it's just. Yeah, I the travel aspect. I cannot even fathom because we've only traveled twice with her overnight and it was never for work. And so I just bowed down to you guys and your support team because it's just amazing what you guys are able to accomplish. It's inspiring, honestly.

Speaker 2

Sure. Well, I will. Say that our kids love their car seats, so you know a lot of if you get an e-mail from me, it's probably sent in my driveway because my children are sleeping in the back of my car. After me taking them out for a little drive. And of course I picked up Starbucks. Or some sort of coffee on the way so.

Speaker 1

I'm a tiny bit envious of that as well, because Veyda wakes up any time the car comes to a stop. Any stop light?

Speaker 2

Oh man.

Speaker 1

Any train, there's just there's no car naps unless it's moving. Do you have any business home or time saving hacks that you swear by and you want other people to know about?

Speaker 2

So I would say the first thing that comes to mind is doing like click list or like grocery pickup services. I swear by it because I do not want to use my free time to go to the grocery store, let alone bring my children into the. Grocery store. Last, I gosh, few weeks ago I did. That, and I was like, why do it? That I think that this was a smart idea and just, you know, now that they're a toddler age where they want all the things and they think a trip to the store. Is an opportunity to get a toy. Anyway, yeah, so grocery pickup, lifesaver, honestly or honestly, Instacart has been really great. It is extra you know to have a service bring you groceries. But to me, like if I can kind of figure out my meal plan. Figure out the groceries we. It has been a lifesaver. Just a time saver. I try to like weigh like, OK, like how much time will it take me. To go do. This and like what is, you know like how do I value that time? Am I going to use that time to like do some self-care or am I going to use that time to work? You know you really have to balance. All of that. So I'd say that would be one of my biggest things that I have implemented. As you know, kind of a I wouldn't say is a hack, I guess a service that I use on the regular and then. We, Mike and I. This is funny. Most people don't know this. We kind of recently came up with a plan of like, I do the laundry. He does the dishes and so it's kind of like we have this flow of like, OK, I know that this is what I'm going to take care of if he's going to do this. And so just like that. Team work not only at work but at home taking care of the things that need to be taken care of. He hates laundry and I hate dishes, so that just works out great. So if you can establish, like, something with your partner that. You know can. Conquer what you need to conquer at home to make life easier. I would fully recommend that. And then also we do a lot of like we have a lot of freezer storage and so I get a lot of. Freezer ready meals, not necessarily like. Things that I can like, prep and then put in the freezer to use. So I guess what would you call? Those freezer. Meals that on if we need like a quick on-the-go night meal dinner, I have it ready.

Speaker 1

Those are all really awesome tips. I'm just thinking ahead, I have to go grocery shopping this afternoon. It's not a pick up and I'm taking her with me, but right now it's we're still just before she's realized that there are toys at stores like she's 18 months, so she hasn't quite picked up on that. And I'm just going to. Ride it out. She starts.

Speaker 2

You can do it. You can do. Man, I well, OK. And then so this kind of goes back to my like food background, like I honestly, I do love grocery shopping. I love to look at. Everything that's on the like, I would spend 3 hours in the grocery store if I could like and. I know that's probably so weird but. I love to look at new products. I love to look at the label and be like, Oh my gosh. Like what are they putting? In this now and. Not even from like a oh. My gosh, all this food is chemicals. Perspective. But like an actual. Like oh, this is really cool. Like they're making. Chickpea pasta. That like how sweet is this? So just from my like dietetics background and then also just the psychology of how the food is put in the store, all of that stuff, I could talk for hours on that, but we. Will save that for another. Time anyway, so going doing a grocery order pickup actually saves our family time because I would. Spend way too much time and probably spend way more. For money, just getting stuff we really don't need, but I thought was cool and we wanted to try. You could ask Micah about his time when I made cauliflower, cauliflower pizza crust and get a little whole story about. That, but again another time.

Speaker 1

Well, you've sort of answered my follow up question to that, but I'll ask it anyway in case there's any other systems that you might want to mention. I wanted to find out if you have anything that you have outsourced that you have no regrets about doing or if there's something that you would like to outsource in the future.

Speaker 2

Yeah, that's a really great question. I outsourcing has been a lifesaver for sure I let's see a. Few years ago. I started outsourcing some of my editing and I was so nervous to do this because I was like, Oh my gosh. It's not going to be, you know, like I I'm a perfectionist at heart. I want to provide like the. Utmost best quality for our clients. And so I was like super nervous. About pursuing this because I was worried that it wasn't going to be like up to the standards that I put forth and Oh my gosh, no, it's like such a lifesaver. And the best part is I get to edit the whole set how I want it edited and then I send off like the photos in between to be edited. Just how? I would have edited. It so anyway, I could talk more about that. That is like a huge, like Lifesaver time saver. And then. We started outsourcing all of our like accounting payroll. We have a CPA, an accountant to do our taxes and all of like the financial part of our businesses because now that we have two businesses and an employee every all. Of that gets. So dicey and I want to obviously do it the right way and so paying someone who specializes in that. Has been a game changer. We outsourced our brand photography, which most people are like, wait. Isn't that what you do like? Can't you do that? And I'm like, well, it's the. Same reason you know. People hire specialists to do like. You want. To be taken care of in that service and like it's, I don't know about. Have you ever tried? To take your own pictures.

Speaker 1

Oh yeah, they're disaster.

Speaker 2

Like you just can't you just set up a camera and like click a button? It's like, no, there's, there's. So much more that goes into that and we. Really enjoyed our experience doing that and when you have like a brand business, you obviously. Want to like your content needs to. Be, you know, professional and on. The level that you want to provide as a service provider, so we outsourced that and that was the best decision. A few things that. I would love to outsource in the future and we just really haven't gotten. We haven't. Figured out a good, so I would love any input on this. Is some of the video editing or calling or organizing that process has taken gosh it is it just takes a very long time to do all of that and it's just such an intricate process and Micah is. His whole heart and soul goes into it and so. For him to like edit a video, it would probably take like 20 times longer than you would think it does. Just because he is so involved in making sure that every second is intentional and so that has been a huge part of our business, that just takes a very long time. And rightfully. So again, he wants to make. Really special, but finding the right system that we can outsource, similar to editing, where it's still that intentional super custom product, but we could have some help along the way, getting everything organized and put together so he can put the final touches on it and make sure it's the quality that he wants but. All of the like work. To get there could be taken care of. By someone else.

Speaker 1

Yeah, for anyone listening, that may not be familiar.

Speaker 2

That's all I can do.

Speaker 1

The photography videography world editing consumes so much of the time behind the scenes, like the actual session work is just a fraction. Of the time spent for projects and shoots and whatnot, and I can only imagine how time consuming it is for video because it's not just a still image that you're going next. So I completely understand the need to take on some help there.

Speaker 2

And finding the just all of that. And then the last and final thing that I will say about outsourcing this last year, we actually paid a designer or two years ago now to do all of our brand. All of our branding and our website. And for authentic our branding business. And again it was one of those things I was like, gosh, we have a business that we do content marketing and branding. We need our branding to be, you know, the level of quality that we provide our, our clients. And so we trusted. A designer to do this for us and I absolutely love what she created. It's so classic, timeless and just so us like. It's a beautiful reflection of our brand and our website is just about to launch. It's been just. A labor of love for. Her. And I'm just so. Excited to share it with the world? We're working on some, like final copywriting pieces, but yeah, so website design, branding, branding, photography. Like all of. That and then some of the back end business stuff like accounting and payroll and. All that good stuff has been huge. Lifesaver light lightsaber lightsabers.

Speaker 1

I am excited to see the website because I've been creeping casually because I just want to see the list of services you offer and whatnot, and I'm just excited. To see something besides coming soon.

Speaker 2

I know, right? Me too. It'll be worth it. Worth the wait for sure.

Speaker 1

Yeah, outsourcing is worth its weight in gold because like I am a newborn photographer. But I still hired you to do our family photos because, for example, I took some, I mean I. Had a C-section and I was recovering from that and I cannot even imagine trying to do all of her photos on my own on top of the fact that she right out the gate has photographer child syndrome and just, you know, makes things a bit of a challenge during any photo shoot we attempt. But I mean, I did some in our master bedroom. Of just her and like a couple of just us during our first, I think a week or two before your session. And to this day, many of them remain unedited because I just to sit down and carve out that time in an already busy schedule. For personal projects. It's incredibly difficult because everything else is a priority or a deadline, and so I completely understand outsourcing your branding photos when you're a brand photographer yourself, but it's also kind of fun because then you get. To see what your clients are experiencing on the other side and it gives you a different perspective and it also maybe. Feels like a little bit of self-care or pampering.

Speaker 2

Absolutely. Oh yeah.

Speaker 1

So I love it.

Speaker 2

We did. We did this whole, you know, hair, makeup well. Just all. Yeah, we even did. Styling like she got all of our outfits and everything. Like curated it was, yeah, worth it 100%.

Speaker 1

I love it. What are some things that you are really looking forward to in the next year or two? Any big goals or projects in the works for your home or work and business?

Speaker 2

Ah yeah, I am humbled to say that our businesses have actually grown considerably in the last 10 months. I think I mentioned earlier in 2021, we hired our first employee and we're actually planning to grow our team even more over the next two years. So we have a lot in store that I can't share just yet, but if you follow. Along, we'll be sure to tell you when the time is. Right. And we've been doing all kinds of house projects on our home and I need to share more about that because that has been so much fun for me at least, maybe not. For Mike, but I love the house project. I always. I am in our relationship. I am the pile maker and he's the pile mover, so I have all these great ideas and he is the one who helps me. Execute them. And he has always has such a great attitude. I mean, if you know Micah, to know him is to love him so. It's fun once you if you see our house projects, so things cause he's. Taken on all of my ideas and. Made them happen.

Speaker 1

I resonate with that I'm the dreamer and he's either the person who executes or he tells me this is ridiculous and maybe we should bring it down a notch and go a different direction. A little more sensible for sure. Let's see. So picture your current average week. Do you have a bit of a weekly routine schedule or flow balancing home and work responsibilities, schedules, whatnot.

Speaker 2

So right now, my Monday, Wednesday, Friday are our days in the office together. And I have childcare in the morning on all three of those. Days and then. And Tuesday, Thursdays, my 4 year old goes to pre-K for four hours and my 2 year old hangs out with my grandma for that time. So yeah, it's really sweet. Like I said, we have a lot of family in town and it's just amazing that my daughter can spend time with her. Great grandmother, just like I spent time with my grandma when I. Was her age so. She is spending her time there now, so pretty much every day. Aside from some Thursdays and some Fridays, I am working in the morning and then in the afternoon. I'm home with the kids and we're doing fun things, and there are some days where I have to be like alright guys. Go to the. Playroom I have to, you know, tackle some deadlines or. Emails projects, etcetera, but. Most of the time I really try to keep that boundary of work, life, home life. I do have a desk and office space at home, and that's just because I'm the I'm primarily with the kids. Micah is usually in the office Monday through Friday, and then we. Trade off sometimes too. Like if I have a big deadline coming up or a busier week than him, we'll trade off childcare responsibilities, but the for the most part we have childcare in the mornings and then we're. With the kids. Time with the kids in the afternoons and then evening time. So to get in my kind of full work week, I spent some hours in the evening. Working on my computer and just finishing. Up polishing up tasks and scheduling things etcetera. And so I, but I like really enjoy that time I function best on like really hard thinking tasks early in the morning and then in the evening I can do some more like creative work or just like. Call it like. I'm just going to go tinker on my computer for a little bit and that is like, really when I kind of Polish things up and have that. And so that's like a typical week. It ebbs and flows, but really our work time is usually in the mornings, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and then in the evenings. We really try to just stick to family time. There are some nights where we put the kids to bed and we work on our computers together and that I think that's just like the reality of entrepreneurship. Like sometimes you just have to grind after hours and get it done and work hard. That way you can have the flexibility to. You, you know, spend time out of the office on a random Monday and go fishing or go to Disneyland like we. Did all week last week so. We work really hard. Around the clock so we can take time. Off around the. Clock and I am like I Mike is more used to the Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 5:00. But like I said earlier, pretty much since I graduated high school, I have had multiple jobs and I've worked weird hours and I've like I have a really hard time like slowing down and taking time to rest. And so he is an excellent reminder like hey, like we need to take time off and. You know. Have balance and boundaries with work. I'm also like extremely passionate about what I do. Not saying he isn't, but we are just wired so differently and so I spend a lot of time working and I love it. Like you know, they say, do what you love and you won't work a day in your life. And I am a firm believer in that.

Speaker 1

I love this conversation so much. It's like the epitome of what I hoped to chat about and just. I don't know. I've shared this before. I'm a podcast junkie and I've still been looking for the. The right podcast that really shows, I don't know. Balancing home life, motherhood, entrepreneurship, all of that equally. Not just heavy on one aspect of it. And this conversation is just it's so good. It makes me feel so inspired because, I mean, I don't have much of A routine at all yet, and I am trying to figure that out. So I'm. Excited to pull? Tips and tricks from guests on the show and you guys have a really good. Flow with toddlers and that resonates a lot with me right now. So anyway, I appreciate again you being on so a few more questions before we slowly wrap up because I don't want to take all of your precious time away.

Speaker 2

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1

Let's see. So you mentioned self-care a little bit earlier on. What does self-care look like for you and how do you make? Time for it.

Speaker 2

This this one has been a really hard. Very difficult. Just area since I've become a mom because I tend to put my free time into work since majority of my time is as mom and so I've actually recently. Really try to prioritize this and like one thing that's been really hard for me in particular is that my hobby. Has been like work like Micah loves to fish. He loves to play basketball. He loves to golf like he has so many extracurriculars that he can be like, oh, I'm going to go do this and like, really feel, you know, accomplished and relaxed. And you know what have you for all of those activities, but for me, it's been like, oh, like. I'm going to go take pictures or edit or like do and I don't know if that's just because I enjoy it or it's out of habit or I know like I need to get it done. But I have a really hard time like. Doing something that is like not a productive activity and feeling like good about it, and I've worked. I've been working on that like tremendously, because I know that that is not going to like pour into me. And make me. Feel rested and I need to be, you know. I want to. Take care of myself so I can be a. Better mom and a better. Business owner and a better wife, a better friend and I have honestly just like really struggled with this area, especially since having kids like it has been anyway. So one of my really good friends, Ashley, we tried to do a girls night. Out and I say this with quotations because it's typically like one of us going to our office and like together and doing our nails or going for a walk or, you know, doing something together. Where we find time and we are, you know, without the kids, without anyone else, just like friend time together. We also walk some mornings, so I'll wake up an extra hour early and go walk with her and get some exercise in. I love to thrift antique shop. I love to shop like I will. I love to browse. I guess I don't necessarily always buy something, but love to go and just see what's there. So if you know Roseburg at all, you know that there is not a ton of like. Shopping retailers other than maybe like Marshalls to find things, but we have some great antique stores, thrift stores. So we travel a lot, do it, you know, popping into a. Shopping Center is always self-care for me. I guess if you know just looking at what's there, I always like to do that so. That's a big thing for me and then obviously. Getting, you know, getting my. Meals done, getting a massage, going to the spa, getting a facial like things like that. I love to do and. And I don't always make time for, but when I do like I recently did for a friend's. Birthday and that was just. It's always. A great reminder of like OK, I need to do this more often and I need to make time for it. I need to put it on the calendar or else it's not going to happen, so I will literally we will literally like schedule this time because I am not a good advocate for my own self-care and I know there are a lot of moms out there that could say the same. Like it is so hard to say, you know. Like ohh. I'm going to go take. Care of myself right now. Like you know.

Speaker 1

Yeah, it's interesting. You said schedule scheduling it is what you tried to do most because I don't know if you listened to the most previous, the most recent episode, it was 8. I did eight ways to find time for self-care as a busy mom and number. One was scheduled in.

Speaker 2

Yep, Yep.

Speaker 1

So you got to do it.

Speaker 2

True, it's so true.

Speaker 1

So easy to just forget or let it slip.

Speaker 2

And don't. Yeah, don't cancel it. Like it, it can be. It'll be the first thing you cancel when something else comes up. And it's like no. You got it. Got it in there. And then now I am going to make time to go to the gym in the evenings. I cannot wake up super, super early to exercise. Got to have my coffee first, so I'm just I'm going to be an evening. Exercise her, and that's who I'm going to be.

Speaker 1

I love it. You're putting it out there. It's going to happen yes. Yeah, I you don't find me at the gym.

Speaker 2

Going to happen.

Speaker 1

For a little. While we were signed up with Planet Fitness fan, that was fun, but it was always the evening cause.

Speaker 2

How nice.

Speaker 1

I'm just not. A morning person. I just can't do it, but thrifting you mentioned thrifting and that makes my heart sing because I'm an avid thrifter I would say Treasure Hunter because a lot of the times it just window shopping. But it's so fun. I don't know all the good things for a deal and I'm trying to be better about it a little bit because I'm kind of a pack rat I would. We're coming up on getting rid of quite a bit for a big yard sale next weekend and. It might pain me a little bit, but I enjoy thrifting for my self-care time too I love. That. Yeah, let's see. I wanted to find out if you had a free hour for TV time at night if you weren't at the gym. If you were sitting down for a TV show, what is your guilty pleasure show?

Speaker 2

Oh man, you know, honestly. Lately I've really loved like the Renaissance shows on Netflix. You know the like, clothing attire of that era, just like, totally fascinates me. And it's just been so much fun to like. I don't know, I like. I not even like some of the storylines, just like. The way that. They do like costume and makeup and all of that has been, like, super fascinating to me. So a lot of times I'll put those kind of shows on Netflix just in general on while I tinker on my laptop. But yeah, I would say that and then I'm let's see what, what show have I recently watched again, I mean, Grey's Anatomy. Things like that New Girl. Totally that favorite. So good. That's just like light hearted. Like, I don't. Nothing scary. Nothing that's going to, like, keep me up at night. Nothing like too. That's one thing with those Renaissance. Shows you got to be. Mindful of the ones that are like, you know, there's too much. Action in there but.

Speaker 1

Yeah, I've watched a few of those. I've got a few favorites, but I struggle because a lot of them, a lot of the newer ones, seem to. They've got the time period, they've got the awesome attire, and then they plug in current day modern music and I don't understand it.

Speaker 2

You're like, wait a minute?

Speaker 1

It just takes me out of the moment and every time I'm like it just doesn't match. I know they're trying to be ironic, but it just. It's so distracting. So let's see. A couple more questions I'm if you could go back and tell yourself something as a tired, fresh first time parent and entrepreneur mom, I should say, what would it be?

Speaker 2

It would be it gets it gets easier. And I remember my mom telling me that. And me, just like, not like, just it's just not resonating with me because when you're in the thick of it, it's like, Oh my gosh. Like, who am I like this, you know, this is just this like total like. You're just like uprooting yourself because your entire your systems change. You know your emotions, your hormones, like everything, just changes you, and even you know, when you become a parent like this is just not even an entrepreneur. But when you come a parent like. The way you see the world changes so much, your friendships change. Like your free time is just so different and it's just everything becomes harder. In a sense. But if I were to go back and you know. 2018 Aaron, I would say it gets easier. Just, you know, keep on doing the best you can because really that's all we can do, right? Like some days, some days the best you can do is literally like. Wash your face like you know like.

Speaker 1

Oh yeah, I get it.

Speaker 2

Like there's days where you're just like, alright, I've literally done nothing today because this little human needs me. And yeah, I would say it gets better. And then just remember, especially if you're an entrepreneur that provides a service. Works with people is if you are human and you are vulnerable and you are a person and you like are open about like. You know you set those expectations like when I became a parent, I did not realize that I was not going to be able to like, answer emails. Around the clock. Or like that, just like so many expectations change in the way that I was able to deliver the service that our clients we were so understanding and sweet and kind and like. You know, they some of our clients like don't even have kids, but they were just so. It just. Totally took me off guard. But I think a big part of that was because I was like, open and honest with them about me. I'm like. Here's what our turnaround time will be or like just, you know, things like that. And like, treat them like humans and. You know. It'll be reciprocated. Hopefully we've just had a really good experience with people understanding that man. We're parents now and like even when I was like pregnant at weddings and like people were like. Trying to take care of me like. The bride and the groom. We're like, Oh my gosh. Like, can we get you? And I'm like this. Is your day like it's? OK, like I'm fine but. Yeah, just. It just get it gets. Better and you learn to adapt, you learn to evolve and really I think it's so important to reach out to other people in the same season and just. Have that, like humility, to know that you know it's OK to, like, struggle a little bit. It's OK to. I know that like man, this is a really hard season, like and like it's amazing how we can. Function off of so little sleep. That was a huge shocker to me. Just like, wow, what was life like before when I. Got to sleep. Anyway, that's a total aside, but it gets better. I'll just reiterate that.

Speaker 1

I love hearing that your clients and everyone following you was so supportive. And yes, it's good to mention that it's important to be open about any upcoming changes in your timelines or workflow? But I'm yeah glad to hear that they were. Excited for you and. Supportive and patient.

Speaker 2

Yeah, it was. They've been nothing but that. So definitely speaks to it. And this is like a little branding plug. Speaks to really, you know, attracting and working with your ideal clients because they are people that are not only going to be great clients to work for, but just like. Great people in general that connect with. You and and are supportive for your like we still have clients that we worked with five years ago that follow us and check in and like are excited when we have, you know things happen in our lives and just true to that like relationship building that happens with service based business and entrepreneurship and yeah. Some people will choose not to like, share personal stuff, and I I, you know, share what you are comfortable with. For sure, you know everyone can. Have different levels. Of like privacy in their life. But we found that being kind of open. And vulnerable with our lives has been. And nothing but positive in most ways for our business, so.

Speaker 1

For sure. Well, as we wrap up, if you'd like to allow any listeners to follow or connect with you, if they don't already, because I know a lot of our listeners might be local and they know you and probably are very excited to hear from you from you. Can you tell us where we can find you?

Speaker 2

Yeah. So our wedding and portrait photography handle is Audiss_photo and our branding and content marketing businesses, Audiss authentic. So Audiss_authentic and we are pretty active on our socials. However, Mom life has gotten the best of me lately. And I've it's. Either been one or the other so. But yeah, we'd love to. I'd love to. Here anyone's thoughts and comments.

Speaker 1

Well, thank you so much for being the 1st guest on our new podcast and for being gracious and patient with me. While I kind of awkwardly fumble through being an interviewer because I I'm just excited to have more of these conversations and get a little more comfortable. I loved having you on and hearing more about your behind the scenes and your why and your sort of what's next. The stuff that you're able to share, I'm very excited. So it's another reason for people to follow you if they want to follow along on the next. Installments of your endeavors.

Speaker 2

But anyway, you did great. You did so great. I'm excited to hear. All of the conversations that you are soon to have and you are just such a genuine person. So I think this is an awesome opportunity and what a beautiful, you know, story to like continue to tell. Because US Mamas, us Mamas need to stick together.

Speaker 1

For sure. And it's just so encouraging hearing other people's experiences, even the struggles. Not that I'm celebrating. Anyone having a struggle.

Speaker 2

No. Yeah.

Speaker 1

But I do feel a little less alone. You know, hearing some of the challenges that might be out there.

Speaker 2

Absolutely, yeah. Yeah, there's, there's, there's. No shortage of those for sure.

Speaker 1

Yeah, yeah. Well, thank you again and I hope you have an awesome week getting back into the grind. Thank you.

Speaker 2

You too.

Speaker 1

Talk to you later. Thank you for spending some of your valuable time with me today. If you haven't already, I'd be so grateful if you'd take a minute to subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. If you share this podcast with others that may find it helpful, that would also be incredibly appreciated. I'd really love to connect with you on social media. Shoot me a DM with any specific topics that you'd like to hear more about, or any questions that you'd like me to ask fellow mompreneurs during guest interviews to come. You can find me on most platforms with the handle @messymompreneur. I'll share my contact info in the show. That's as well. All right, friend. Have a great week.